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Habitare Brighton

   habitare (latin): to live, dwell, stay, remain    

​This website houses inspiration for eco-building

across Brighton and beyond.
Please have a seat and make yourself feel at home.​

Welcome Home

Our video tells stories of people who are trying to lessen the impact of the built environment.

In doing so, they're making Brighton a better

place to dwell.

Stronger Than Steel

Stronger Than Steel

Every creature is capable to create their own house without damaging the environment. Spiders create spider webs, made with protein in their body. It is stronger than steel and up to this day, human has not been able to replicate spider silk substance.

Nesting Place

Nesting Place

Brighton city is home to various birds. Unfortunately, their habitat could be in jeopardy due to man-made activities and climate change. Some species are under the city council's local biodiversity action plan, such as Black Redstart, Bullfinch, Corn Bunting, Dunnock, and House Sparrow.

The Bug Mansion

The Bug Mansion

Bugs play a crucial role in our ecosystem and could help sustaining the natural permaculture circle of life. They can serve as pollinators, predators, or parasites. Providing an insect house like the one in this picture might help bugs to regenerate and survive a challenging season. We can make insect house with dead wood, dry leaves, straw and hay, and many other materials which provided by nature.

Jon Kalviac is a course teacher for The Low Carbon Trust. He has 8 years

experience to share with fellow builders and everyone else who aspires to leave a lighter footprint on the planet.

jon's story

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